SMSCO is a Firm of Chartered Accountants and it was established in 1983. It has average 60 professionals, managerial and operational staff on board and it is well equipped to perform audit & assurance and advisory to large and medium size organizations doing business in the country and abroad and to facilitate them under a broad array of Audit & Assurance, Advisory Business Consultancy, Taxation, Corporate / Secretarial Practice, Financial, Information Technology (I.T.) and other Management solutions. Its quality services and professional commitment have made it achieve the following milestones:

  • Enlisted with the State Bank of Pakistan on the panel of Auditors.
  • Enlisted with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan as an approved Auditor for conducting the Audits of Insurance and Takaful Companies.
  • Enlisted with Audit Oversight Board on the panel of auditors for conducting the audits of Public Interest Companies.
  • Enlisted in the panel of auditors of Pakistan Mercantile Exchange for system audits.
  • Having satisfactory Quality Control Review (QCR) rating from the Institute of
  • Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) for last thirteen years.
  • Approved Shariah Compliance Auditor.
  • Takaful (Islamic insurance) Consultant and Trainer.
  • Member Firm of Leading Edge Alliance (LEA) Global, the 2 nd largest USA based international professional association of independent firms.
  • Located at five places, as Main Office is in Karachi, and four branches located in
  • Islamabad, Lahore, United Arab Emirates and in Canada.
  • The Firm has five partners who individually

The Firm has five partners who individually and collectively have vast experience in the fields of assurance, consultancy and other advisory. For profile Click here.