Investment Advisory Services

All investment carries some risk and thus needs careful analysis and expert advice. The key to be a successful investor is to achieve appropriate risk/return trade off by identification of risks that exist and their proactive management.
Our Investment Advisory Service professionals specialize in identifying risks arising from regulation, competition and macro-economic forces and designing strategies to manage it to your advantage. Our range of services includes:

  • Advice on analyzing investment prospects and mode of doing business in Pakistan including advising on the form of legal entity, incorporation, obtaining of necessary permissions and help in dealing with local regulators
  • Identification of suitable business partners and conducting due diligence
  • Feasibility studies including preparation of projected financial statements and project
  • Appraisal through NPV, IRR, Payback and DCF analysis including cost assessment and revenue projections
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Tariff and pricing studies
  • Market surveys and studies